what conditions do you typically treat?
- insomnia
- anxiety
- depression
- chronic pain
- gastrointestinal: abdomonal pain, IBS, IBD, chronic nausea
- cancer related symptoms: pain, weight los
- cancer treatment related symptoms: neuropathy, nausea, loss of appetite
Do you accept my insurance?
NOTE: we are currently unable to accept any Masshealth plans for the time being
We accept Medicare, most major private insurance plans, including the following (if not on this list please inquire):
- Blue Cross Blue Shield
- Mass General Brigham Health Plan (not ACO)
- Tufts (not ACO)
- Harvard Pilgrim Health Care
- United
- Aetna
- Cigna
Do I need a referral to be seen?
if you don't know, you probably do. If so, you need it prior to your visit. We can help you with this if need be.
Do you offer virtual visits.
yes we do. We use Zoom via the MGB patient gateway.
Are you affiliated with a particular healthcare system?
proudly. We are a Mass General Brigham (MGB) Community Affiliate. We also one of the MGH Cancer Center's support services.
Does my insurance cover cannabis therapeutics?
Your insurance covers the medical decission making necessary to manage the medical condition presented. It is the choice to use medicine or not that your insurance pays for. The alternative may include many recommendations that are not specificially covered by your insurance plan including exercise, more fruits and vegetables, fresh air, and, lastly, recommending cannabis.We explain it a bit more here.
So my MMJ certification is free?
The certification fee is $0. The cost to you depends on your copay, which will be the sole cost of the visit. For Masshealth and Medicare there typically is no copay thus the cost is $0.