Schedule Your Visit

Individual Virtual Visits

(click the visit title to go to the scheduling page)

ECS wellness initial visit

Start Your Journey to Wellness Today. Book a comprehensive consultation with an ECS wellness provider and take the first step toward a healthier, balanced life.

  • Duration: 30 minutes

  • Format: Virtual

  • First-time Patients Only

ECS wellness follow-up visit

Continue your path to optimal health. Ideal for ongoing care and adjustments to your wellness plan.

  • Duration: 15 minutes

  • Format: Virtual


Sign up here to the or by clicking on the title above each description. You can also scroll to the bottom of the page.


  • 8am: Mind-Body Medicine - Morning Meditation
  • 12pm: Cannabis medicine
  • 5pm: Insomnia and Cannabinoid Care
  • 5pm: GI Health and Cannabinoid Care


  • 8am: Mind-Body Medicine - Morning Meditation
  • 12pm: Women’s Health
  • 12pm: Men’s health
  • 5pm: Mind-Body Medicine - Evening Meditation


  • 8am: Mind-Body Medicine - Morning Meditation
  • 12pm: Insomnia and Cannabinoid Care
  • 5pm: Women’s health
  • 5pm: Men’s health


  • 8am: Mind-Body Medicine - Morning Meditation
  • 12pm: Cannabis medicine
  • 12pm: Perimenopausal/Menopausal Women’s Health
  • 5pm: Mind-Body Medicine - Evening Meditation

Morning Meditation Mind-body Medicine Group Medical Visit

Start Your Day with Peace and Clarity. Learn to harness the power of mind-body medicine and cannabis to alleviate anxiety, insomnia, or pain. Share and connect with others on a similar journey.

8am Mon, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursdays

  • Duration: 60 minutes

  • Format: Virtual Group

  • Please note: A brief, 2-minute update on your current quality of life is required. You are free to leave after you share your update, though we encourage you to stay for the duration of the visit.

Evening Meditation Mind-body Medicine Group Visit

Wind Down and Find Your Inner Calm. End your day with soothing meditation techniques and personalized advice on using cannabis for better sleep and reduced stress.

5pm Tuesdays and Thursdays

  • Duration: 60 minutes

  • Format: Virtual Group

  • Please note: Please note, you will have to share a brief, 2 minute update on your current quality of life. You are free to leave once you share, though we encourage you to stay for the duration of the visit.

Cannabis Medicine Group Visit

Unlock the Healing Power of Cannabis. Receive expert guidance on utilizing cannabis to manage anxiety, insomnia, or pain. Gain insights from both the group and individualized medical advice.

12pm Mondays and Thursdays

  • Duration: 60 minutes

  • Format: Virtual Group

  • Please note: Please note, you will have to share a brief, 2 minute update on your current quality of life. You are free to leave once you share, though we encourage you to stay for the duration of the visit.

Women's Health Group Medical Visit

Rediscover Your Health and Well-being together. JJoin Meghan Clements, NP for a dedicated session focused on the unique health needs of young women and those of childbearing age. Receive both group and individualized medical advice on reproductive health, hormonal balance, and overall well-being.

12pm Tuesdays , 5PM Wednesdays

  • Duration: 60 minutes

  • Format: Virtual Group

  • Please note: A brief, 2-minute update on your current quality of life is required. You are free to leave after you share your update, though we encourage you to stay for the duration of the visit.

Perimenopausal/Menopausal Women's Health Group Medical Visit

Rediscover Your Health and Well-being together. Join Meghan Clements, NP for a supportive and informative session dedicated to managing perimenopause and menopause. Gain both group and individualized medical advice on navigating hormonal changes, alleviating symptoms, and enhancing your overall well-being.

12pm Thursdays

  • Duration: 60 minutes

  • Format: Virtual Group

  • Please note: A brief, 2-minute update on your current quality of life is required. You are free to leave after you share your update, though we encourage you to stay for the duration of the visit.

Dr. Z's Men's Health Group Medical Visit

Rediscover Your Health and Well-being together. Join Dr. Z and fellow men in transforming your health and well-being. Embrace a holistic approach to living your best life. This comprehensive session offers both group and individualized medical advice on how to best use mind-body medicine and cannabis to treat common conditions such as anxiety, insomnia, or pain. This session is designed to help men achieve peace and ease with an open mind, and foster usefulness to others with an open heart.

12pm Tuesday, 5PM Wednesday

  • Duration: 60 minutes

  • Format: Virtual Group

  • Please note: A brief, 2-minute update on your current quality of life is required. You are free to leave after you share your update, though we encourage you to stay for the duration of the visit.

Insomnia Cannabinoid Care Group Medical Visit

Transform Your Sleep, Transform Your Life. If you need help getting to sleep, this shared visit is for you. During the 60-minute visit, Dr. Z will offer individualized medical advice, combining conventional and integrative treatments, including cannabis and/or meditation to ensure that you are having sweet dreams during your restorative sleep.

5pm Monday, 12pm Wednesday

  • Duration: 60 minutes

  • Format: Virtual Group

  • Please note: Please note, you will have to share a brief, 2 minute update on your insomnia. You are free to leave once you share, though we encourage you to stay for the duration of the visit.

GI Health and Cannabinoid Care Group Medical Visit

Transform Your Gut, Transform Your Life. Join us for an in-depth session combining conventional and integrative treatments, including cannabis and meditation, to improve your GI health. Learn how to manage conditions like IBS, acid reflux, and other digestive issues through a holistic approach. Gain personalized advice and practical tips to support your gut health, enhance your digestion, and boost your overall well-being.

5pm Mondays

  • Duration: 60 minutes

  • Format: Virtual Group

  • Please note: Please note, you will have to share a brief, 2 minute update on your current quality of life as it pertains to your GI health. You are free to leave once you share, though we encourage you to stay for the duration of the visit.

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